Monday 22 March 2010

An idea that i have been working on in regards to a script has been worked around the paintings. I have gone back to some very early sketches and found that most of them center around towns, inside buildings and subway like enviroments so i will be repainting alot of them and designing characters that fit but are simple enough to be made out of clay and textiles. I also will be working around every animation medium i can get a hold of to be eventually put onto and into the green screen set but this may prove difficult to incorporate seemlessly. I dont really want to think of it as an instalation piece as i am working towards a film but it may turn out to be half and half.

Again this painting needs alot of work done with lighting but I have again purposly tried to make it look almost child like and cartoonish to accompany a test shoot with claymation. Some aspects of this scene like the bridge and train will be made in maya and possibly a room as the door is entered leading into a shop.

This is how i implimented a background in after effects. I only used two lights so there are some dodgy shadows and for speed i just used a photograph in this test but it showed that this method worked fine. I also added an animated flower i created in maya just to see what effect a moving background would have on the camera movement but it worked well so i will continue with the green screen idea and begin designing an enviroment based on previous paintings and maya enviroments and storyline that can incorporate stop motion, 3d and 2d animation.

A really stupid test shoot

Here i tried to test out an idea i had for my final piece using green screen and any object i had to hand. Although it looks really bad i needed to find out if this method would work before i progressed. At first i tried to use a badly painted green box in an attempt to create a small green screne studio but the inconsistant brush strokes made it difficult to use so i ended up just using green fabric but the final piece will be in a much larger green box lined with non reflective fabric. The reason for using a box as apose to just a wall is so i can pivot the camera left, right and down as the animation is taking place. This method leaves me open to creating a stop motion scene with a background created in maya or even a moving background in toon boom if i choose.


This is a scene from a previous project that i may be able to use as most of the scenes i have painted are either in open lanscapes or very confined areas. Although the lighting is fairly decent here (exept the spotlight on the bricks) I could continue work on bit mapping andexpanding the size of the scene so that a camera could turn 360 degrees.

Another rough idea

This image could be the entrance or joined on to the subway scene. I have put some fog in the forground just to take awaysome of the brightness from the floor which i will correct by painting beams of light from the stairs and the ceiling. I wil make the corridor and possibly the stairs in maya but the red and black background will stay painted. as with the others this is still a rough painting.

Candidate for Maya

Here is quick painting layout that i will use to create the scene in maya. The dimentions are wrong but i have tried to make it as cartoon like as possible and roughly blocked in. I would imagin a 3D train speeding past made in maya or maybe rotoscoped in after effects.
This is another attempt at using light to sillhouette a landscape. The water colour sky is abit to saturated but i can fix that in photoshop and an ambient light from after effects would slightly brighten up the castle. Also the tree was a mistake i will change it to a creepier, leafless one.
I fogged out the forground to try an push the hill into the background.
This is an early design that I used to show as much light reflection as possible. It needs alot of work like Fogging and maybe spot lighting in after effects behind the mountains.